The Earthquaker Devices Arpanoid is a polyphonic pitch arpeggiator. It works on individual notes as well as chords and works in any key. Add shifting textures, quick sweep sounds, up down pitch shifting and video game sounds to any instrument.
Rate: speed of arpeggiation
Step: amount of steps in the arpeggiation
Wet: effected signal volume
Dry: dry signal volume Direction toggle: changes arpeggio sweep from up, down, or both
Mode: a rotary switch that changes between 8 different arpeggio patterns including:
1: Major: -1 octave to root.
2: Major: root to +1 octave.
3: Major: -1 octave through +1
4: Major: Random pattern
5: Minor: -1 octave to root.
6: Minor: root to +1 octave.
7: Minor: -1 octave through +1
8: Minor: Random pattern
The Earthquaker Devices Arpanoid features true bypass switching and can be powered with a regular 9 volt ac adaptor. Current draw is 52ma.