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The Earthquaker Pyramids may be one the most tweak able flanger pedals on the market ,with five presets, eight flanger modes, tap tempo, tap subdivision, a multifunction Modify control, positive and negative Feedback, and a variable Mix control, there aren't to many sounds this thing can't create.
Pyramids' eight flanger modes are:
- Classic: delivers the "classic" (duh) jet-plane liquid-silk flanging sound we all know and love. In this mode, Pyramids recreates the studio-quality sounds of old-school ADT (automatic double tracking) as heard on timeless recordings by those fabulous mop-tops from England (you know which ones) and on the most ripping double-tracked riffs to come from the New Wave of British Heavy Metal.
- Through-Zero: provides authentic tape-style flanging without all the calibration, biasing, demagnetizing of heads, and so on that a real tape machine - two of em, actually - requires. Use Through-Zero Mode to achieve intensified, swirling, dramatic phase cancellation and comb-filtering effects in stereo!
- Barber Pole Up: infinitely sweeping upward flanging effect with no discernable beginning, middle, or end creating an "endless circular staircase" effect derived from the Shephard Tone auditory illusion popularized in television, video games, and film.
- Barber Pole Down: infinitely sweeping downward flanging effect with no discernable beginning, middle, or end creating an "endless circular staircase" effect derived from the Shephard Tone auditory illusion popularized in television, video games, and film.
- Trigger Up: In this mode, Pyramids provides an infinitely upward sweeping flanger that restarts the flange cycle with each new pick attack or by pressing the Tap/Trigger footswitch.
- Trigger Down: In this mode, Pyramids provides an infinitely downward sweeping flanger that restarts the flange cycle with each new pick attack or by pressing the Tap/Trigger footswitch.
- Step: sweeps up and down in stepped increments, producing a rhythmic flange effect similar to an arpeggiator and/or sequencer on a synth instrument.
- Random: sweeps up and down in random intervals, creating a chaotic flange effect similar to a synthesizer or envelope filter's "sample & hold" function.
- Stereo In/outs
- Current Draw: 425mA
- Comes with power supply